
Our Open-Source Steroids framework is an ecosystem based on React and Redux with a large set of ready-made components, unique architecture, UI Kit and SSR

More 70 components

Create complex interfaces in a library of over 70 different UI components, with customizable color, size, and more


Dark mode

And what's without dark mode in modern interfaces


  • Datepicker

    example card
  • Card

    example card
  • Password

    example card
  • Ещё больше компонентов



The Steroids framework will do boilerplate tasks for you and reduce product development time

Ready-made project architecture

The ability to customize components, thanks to the separation of core and view parts

An extensive library of ready-made components with detailed documentation that simplifies integration into the project

Intuitive design layout of UI components in Figma for quick visualization and adaptation to unique needs

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Our framework is the right solution for your business needs